The Ultimate Guide to Turning your Blogs Into Video Content
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The Ultimate Guide to Turning your Blogs Into Video Content

You have a blog, you write multiple blog posts a week, but they aren’t converting as you hoped. If you're not using video content in conjunction with your blog, you are losing out on a chance to reach and engage your audience!

According to Insivia, "viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text." And as of 2022, 82% of all internet traffic comes from video. So video is not only the most sought-after type of content, but it also has a much greater chance of being remembered.

This data doesn't invalidate the use of written content; it just suggests that using it on its own will likely not help you achieve the goals that you have set out. By turning your blog posts into videos, you have a far greater chance of boosting traffic and conversions!

In this ultimate guide to turning blogs into videos, we'll cover:

  • Why video content is important for your blog

  • How you can turn your blogs into video content

  • How others are doing the same

Whether you're just starting out with video or want to take your videos to the next level, this guide is for you!

Let’s get started!

Why Video Content Is Important For your Blog

1. Video is the most efficient way to explain anything: From basic concepts like 'how to set up a YouTube account?' to more complex topics like 'how to create a YouTube channel?' You can practically show your audience how to accomplish what they are looking to learn.

2. Video is the ‘laziest’ way for a consumer to consume your content: While with a blog, you have to read the text actively, with video, you can passively watch or listen while you work out, cook dinner, commute to work, etc.

3. Video is more engaging than text: Video is the most popular type of content online, and viewers are much more likely to remember a message when they watch it than when they read it. They are also more likely to share it, which means more backlinks and engagement!

4. Video is a great way to improve SEO rankings: This is because Google owns YouTube and gives preference to websites with YouTube videos embedded in them. If you aren’t sure how to go about SEO for Video, check out our ultimate guide to Video SEO.

5. Video increases the time viewers spend on your site: The more time a user spends on your site, the better chance they'll have of finding what they’re looking for and converting.

Source: Wistia

Video content is a powerful tool to improve your website ranking, blog traffic, and hopefully conversion rate. Now it’s time to show you how you can extend the value of your existing blog content and turn it into videos.

How you Can Turn Your Blogs into Video Content

You've spent hours writing your blog, and it's finally ready to share with the world. But why stop there? You can reach an even wider audience by turning your blog into a video. And the good news is, it's not as difficult as you think. Here are 4 ways to get started!

Blogs can be turned into videos

Existing blogs can be repurposed into video content. There's no denying that video is one of the most popular forms of content on the internet. Whether you're watching a funny cat video or getting a tutorial on how to bake a cake, people love consuming videos. And as a brand, you can use this to your advantage by recreating blogs in video format.

How to turn a blog into a video

  1. Start by picking a blog that your ideal audience is currently searching for and would want to watch in video format

  2. Highlight the key points of the blog post

  3. Create a script for the video based on the key points. The way that people listen to and process information is different than the way they read it, so it's important to keep this in mind when creating the script

  4. Identify the call to action you want to end with. For example, visit your website for the full blog post or to subscribe to your channel

  5. Record the video

  6. Edit the video using a video editing platform. This will remove any unnecessary footage and enhance certain aspects for a better user experience

  7. Publish the video and either link to it or embed it on your blog post

For example, we created a video based on one of our Blog posts. Repurposing a blog post into a video can be a great way to reach a new audience or simply provide existing followers with new content.

Videos can be turned into blogs

Existing videos can be repurposed into blog posts. One way to get the best of all worlds is to use video as the cornerstone of your content strategy. Here, you can provide users with both written, video, and audio content, and then pick and choose which type of content suits their needs.

How to turn a video into a blog post

  1. Start by picking a video that has the potential to be spoken about in greater detail

  2. Highlight the key points that you want to expand on

  3. Write the blog post

  4. Embed or link to the original video on your blog post

Just like the above example, began with a blog and then a video. You can also start with a video and then transcribe it into a blog.

Videos can be supplementary to the blog

Videos can be created to promote the blog while also standing on their own. Creating short-form video content is a great way to engage your audience and promote your blog. You can use these videos to introduce the blog, summarize key points, or even create an infographic video.

Additionally, you can use these videos to drive traffic back to your blog, giving you an opportunity to grow your readership. You'll be one step closer to turning your blog into a viral sensation by getting your video in front of as many people as possible.

How to create videos to supplement your blog

  1. Start by identifying what you want to enhance from the blog through video. This could be a video that simply introduces the reader to the blog, promotes the blog itself, or even a specific section that it focuses on

  2. Highlight the key points that you want to focus on in the video

  3. Add those key points to the video script. It’s important to keep these videos short. It can be anything up to 2 minutes as you risk losing the audience's attention

  4. Record the video

  5. Edit the video using a video editing platform. This will remove any unnecessary footage and enhance certain aspects for a better user experience

  6. Share the video on social media, embed it on your blog, or send it out to your newsletter

For example, HubSpot often creates and links videos to its blog posts, just like the one below that they added to their blog about YouTube Challenges To Boost Subscribers in 2022.

Link to other sources of video content related to your blog

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. You can leverage other people's video content. There's no shortage of high-quality video content out there, and surely there is a video regarding the subject of your blog or its contents.

How to link to other sources

  1. Head over to YouTube or Google videos and type in the topic that you want to see in video format

  2. If you find a video that is relevant to your blog topic and target audience, you can either link to their video or embed it on your site so they can watch it while they read your blog

  3. Credit the source. If you link to another source's video, let the reader know where that link is taking them and to whose content

For example, in one of our previous blogs, we embedded this HubSpot video to show how a brand like HubSpot is and can use video showcasing their employees.

Final Thoughts

It is important to use both video content and written content for your brand. Video, however, is especially powerful when it comes to driving traffic and conversions. That's because it's much more visually engaging than written content, and people are more likely to watch a video all the way through than to read an entire blog post. Plus, videos are more likely to be shared on social media, further boosting your reach.

Are you ready to stop struggling with complicated video creation processes and start creating videos at scale?

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