The Corona Outbreak and the unique challenges it brings is forging changes in the world for years to come. If we stop a moment and put health issues aside, the world is experiencing the biggest economic downturn of mankind as we know it in history. Many Companies and Businesses did not survive the initial period, and those that have will unfortunately be trying to repair the damage for years to come. The advertising cost of marketing & sales were depleted in order to keep the cash-flow steady. In this emergency state, marketing strategy has become more aggressive, but also far more creative, as the goal is clear: to continue to create interest and continue to broadcast the ‘business as usual’ tone.
Endearing yourself to your Audience
This period of time is extremely sensitive for everyone. A complete world is in fear for their loved ones, in times like these, the traditional marketing is a little less relevant. Who is in the mood to go out on a shopping spree when the world is clouded in such big uncertainty?
This is exactly the time to come down to the masses and communicate eye-to-eye, even to build a community from which to begin an exchange of opinions. Ask the questions, and get the ball rolling in order to draw them nearer. And in the spirit of the time – maybe it’s time to be more personal – to reveal yourself, what you’re feeling. After all, we’re all going through this together. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to be light and to try to keep an optimistic point of view.
Where? On Social Media, in Groups and Communities on the various platforms
Communicate with your Customers using Your Brand
Social Distancing is downgrading personal contact. Different businesses are trying to develop products to assist in the ‘new normal’ and one of these ways is continuity. Continuity helps brand awareness even in times when customers cannot afford to buy products, but will also enable them to respond thereby enabling future projection for ‘the day after’. Additionally, developing ideas, asking questions, speaking of relevant subjects and making requests for feedback, such as sending a video in a newsletter and requesting talkback.
Where? Newsletter, on your website, in individual emails
Propose Value in order to Disambiguate
As a result of Covid-19, advertising costs of many businesses have been reduced, and are expected to go down further. On the other hand, millions of people are sitting at home with free time on their hands. 45 percent (%) of the global consumers spend more time on social media, than before. This is a good time to produce more value for customers in line with the business expertise. That will enable you to distribute a lot of video content to the right people which you will not necessarily need to pay for. The formula is known: if you give substantial value and tips that are relevant, people will share the videos themselves. Take advantage of the time to strengthen your image as a Thought Leader.
Video Optimization for Search Engines is a part of Lead generation
In order to create leads to generate income - the use of video is win-win – on the one hand it assists in creating the feeling of connectivity during times of ‘social distancing’ and it assists optimization for search engines, to expand your presence, and in addition, for expanding your chances of getting to potential customers.

Hi, just saw your pitch on LinkedIn, quoted by my friend Galia Kut. Very impressed! But I am surprised that you are posting blog posts and not VLOG posts! Perfect way to showcase your tool!